family-friendly food experiences

Looking for the best family-friendly experiences to keep kids of all ages entertained and busy? Look no further!

why choose eatwith?

We are absolute food experts

Our mission is to connect the best local chefs and food connoisseurs around the world with adventurous travellers.

We are the leaders in social dining

The best way to make new friends and learn the local culture first-hand when traveling.

We offer unique food experiences

Try one of our immersive dinners, lunches, brunches, tastings, food tours and cooking classes with local hosts.

cook and eat with your family!

It can be difficult to find activities for the whole family to enjoy, so we've done the hard work for you!

All of the experiences below are suitable for families with kids of all ages. From a Cantonese cooking class in Brooklyn to an authentic Yucatan dinner in Chicago - we've got something for everyone!

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