People around a dinner table taking pictures of the dishes

Here are our top tips for creating engaging content and stepping up your social media game.

Create engaging content

There are four types of content that you can post:

  • Promotional: promoting your product, and including a ‘call to action’, i.e. “Book now!” 
  • Educational: educating your followers on your experience, such as showing how the dishes are made, the history of the dishes, how to cook them, cooking tips and tricks etc.
  • Inspirational: inspiring guests with your story, showing the ‘behind the scenes’, sharing videos about the people that you take influence from (such as talking about a family recipe passed on to you), foodie events/things/places that you’ve seen recently that you really loved 
  • Entertainment: entertaining future guests with fun and relatable content showing your personality, this can be more lighthearted and less promotional 


These posts are for future guests to learn more about you and your supper clubs, why they should trust you with their weekend dinner plans. By doing so you are shining a spotlight on your expertise.

Chef Aidan talks about how he forages the ingredients for his supper club.

Pro tip: 

Make your supper club seasonal. Seasonal ingredients allow your menu (and your promotion) to be fluid so that your guests are always seeing something new. As well as you can showcase in your content your connection to your local community. You can talk about the different farmers you work with, and work together to tell each other’s stories. 


Many people scrolling through social media want to be inspired. Inspired to plan their weekend, inspired to buy a miracle product…

Hence, we’ve decided to group these two categories, inspirational and promotional, as in reality all your promotional content should be inspirational. The goal of these posts is to make something that people will save and say “ooh I want to do that” “oooh that looks good”. 

These can be things that look aesthetically pleasing such as a great picture of a dish you serve, tell us what ingredients (where are they from? are they local?) you used, why you decided to make it, what’s the special connection we have with it, etc.. Or a great picture of the atmosphere, vibe, of your supper club. These are all necessary to inspire guests to join your supper club. Someone celebrating their birthday? Take a snap (with permission) and post it, inspiring other guests to celebrate their birthday with you. 

Highlight how you stand-out from other experiences! 

Behind the scenes of Chef Sohini’s supper club.

Pro tip: 

Are there any local trends? Are small plates and orange wines hot right now? Is everyone dying over pasta? Tap into these trends, to inspire guests to join your table. 


Once you can entertain people with your content, you can sell anything. This is the ultimate way to get viral and boost visibility. 

Examples are like Vogue, with their 73 question videos that no one can get enough of. 

For this kind of content, you need to get creative. Do a challenge in the kitchen? Have someone in your supper club share a life story?

Create high quality content

So now that we’ve given you some tips on what to post about, now it is time to learn about how to produce it. Social media content needs to catch your eye and stop you in your tracks when you’re scrolling. Hence it needs to be appealing, bright and good quality, rather than blurry and dark. Your social posts are critical to paint the full picture of your experience, therefore present the people, food, drinks, and place in the best quality as you can. 

We suggest filming some of the following for content: 

  • Food being prepared
  • Final dishes
  • Atmosphere at your event 

Lighting, Framing and Clutter

  • Your images need to well lit – should be shot with good light (near a window if necessary – natural light is usually best)
  • Pay attention to framing; make sure the focus of the photo/video is clear and central 
  • Minimal distractions; pay attention to any used packets or mess in the background



  • Capture portrait 1080×1350
  • Shot on iPhone ideally


  • Shot portrait 1080×1920
  • Shot on iPhone ideally
  • Videos will be <15 seconds
  • Keep a steady camera – don’t shake the phone

Take a look at these free resources for content creation!

Picture editing: Canva

Video editing: Capcut


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